
How to Create Great Copy on Your Listing

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Have you ever read a description of something, watched a video or heard something on the radio, and felt an immediate pull to purchase it or to find out more? Of course you have….it’s something we all experience at some time and companies spend billions finding out what motivates consumers to choose one product over another. I’ve found it fascinating as I search through the net looking for good vacation rental web sites to review, to see what it is that draws me in to a site, and stimulates my interest.

The photos you use on a listing are the most important – without them no-one is going to stop and look further. However, creative use of words within the descriptive text can be the anchor that holds a visitor to your web site.  Getting them to hear what you have to say and see the full picture of what you’re offering is the key to converting a casual surfer to a confirmed client.

I’m a kinaesthetic person. I learn best by doing something rather than hearing about it or reading a book. It’s the hands-on experience that works for me. This also means I respond well to words in web copy that make me feel something:

“End your active day by relaxing in the muscle-soothing hot tub with its 36 jets and shoulder-massaging waterfall feature”

“Our beds welcome you with fresh cotton linens in summer while the duck-down fluffy duvets surround you with snuggly warmth in winter”

Visual people might be more attracted by words and phrases that stimulate their visual cortex such as:

As the sun sets you’ll be treated to a gloriously colourful sunset across the shimmering lake. You’ll need your camera close by to capture the unforgettable images

Those people who respond best to auditory experience will want to know what it sounds like:

“Waking up to the sound of loons calling across a still and peaceful lake is an experience you’ll never forget”.

Well written copy should capture as many senses as possible using feeling, hearing and visual words. Here is a great example from an owner’s site. I’ve highlighted just a few places where the words used could stimulate different preferences. It’s a great web site I’ll be reviewing soon.


How much have you thought about the words you use in your listings?  Is your text evocative like this? Why not take a fresh look at what you are saying and see if you can tweak it a little to capture more interest.  Let me know what you think.


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